viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Assignment 2/ Modernist Literature/ Cinthia Aguila

1. Which 2 readings did you complete from the reading list provided (or from your own selections)?
The Old Man and the Sea and The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway.

2. Based on these readings, compare (3 examples) and contrast (3 examples) the works you read with the themes from the ppt presentations in class on Modernist Culture and Literature.

Both The Old Man and the Sea and The Sun also Rises are definitely quite representative of the modernist era and mordernism in literature since they include most of the main characteristics of that literary movement. However, these two novels have some aspects in common and some differences. May be because there are almost 30 years in between and two World Wars. Something that might have affected the author in a way.
When we read the stories, the first thing we think is the fact that they are very different. Obviously, the plots are very different but, they still have some things in common. First of all, the two stories show what I call a dualism between bad and good or what some literary critics call the diference between light and darkness. In the case of the main character in The Old Man and the Sea – Santiago – is quite clear as a symbol. All the time he is not able to catch a fish it is considered as bad luck. Hemingway uses the word “salao” to show this fact. Then, when he can fish the marlin, the whole situation turns into good luck what is the idea of light in his life – idea that is connected to the inner fight a person must deal with when searching for balance in life what brings optimism to the person – to the individual. In other words, the story reflects the concept of individualism. This concept is also developed in The Sun also Rises, but in a diferent way. There the main character – Jake Barnes – has to deal with his reality from a very dark and pesimistic point of view. He does not feel a real man since he has lost his virility, so all his way of seeing life is dark. He knows there are no chances for him to become a real person – a real man – no matter if he does behave and do things that might make him feel a man. He is awared of the fact that he will never be happy and will never be able to be with the woman he loves or any other woman. That is his fate so, drinking and having fun is his way of escaping from this life. Santiago has hope and Jake is doomed. Now, all this brings another important topic which is religion and the way the characters – both Santiago and Jake as only men – feel towards the religious ideals. In the case of Jake Barnes, he has seen so many terrible things in the war that he has decided to live according to his own points of views while Santiago is the opposite. Some critics say Santiago represents Christ himself and it may be because of the way he sacrificies himself in solitude. Santiago is perhaps a symbol of a man who tries to find himself and has faith while Jake Barnes is someone who just lives according to his own rules and has lost faith in God and in himself. May be he is just a parody of the man he wants to be. Spiritual loneliness is present in both cases but, Santiago is able to find his purpose in life which is to prove that he is a fisherman and can find spiritual stability while Jake is only in the process of changing. Another interesting aspect to be compared and contrasted in the two stories is the symbolism of animals – an element which is very important and shared in both novels. Another similar aspect is that animals are shown with respect. They represent passion, freedom, determination and may be energy because they fight in their own elemnts – the sea and the arena. Perhaps another symbolism Hemingway shows as life itself and how man can find a balance with nature, find inner stability and how to understand himself – an scenario for purification, may be. Again the ideas of individualism, honor and religion are present. However, in the case of Santiago, the marlin is a symbol of pride, bravery and survival. They are two souls trying not to be defeated in what they call their own world, this fighting brings honor and respect again for life. In The Sun also Rises the situation is similar. Bulls represent determination, pride and so on, but the element of sex is included. They are a symbol of what a real man should be, a creature that is capable of fighting as a real “macho” someone who can have sex. As a conclusion I would say say that the two stories have similar aspects that represent the ideas of modernism but, at the same time, they are shown in from diferent point of views. Wonderful ideas and it’s a pity that Hemingway killed himself in the end.

3. Do you feel the works you read are very good or excellent representations of Modernist Literature? Why/Why Not?

Both The Old Man and The Sea and The Sun Also Rises are excellent representations of Modernism in literature. As we all know, E. Hemingway was a writer who belonged to the movement or group called The Lost Generation. Artist who for one reason or another decided to live outside their country ( the U.S.A). Most of their experience living in Europe put them right in the place where many changes where taken place. Political changes as well as social and economical changes. On the other hand, they had to face and sometimes live the atrocyties of WWI. So, they had to to adapt to a world that was changing in many ways. However, they knew it was difficult. Because of the war they began to realize there was no purpose in seeing life in a romantic way. The war had shown them a different reality – a world of frustration, loneliness, darkness, alianation and death. All these elements are present in both novels. But, from different points of view where The Old Man and the Sea seems to be more optimistic in a way than The Sun also Rises since the main character achieves a kind of balance with his enviroment and finds himself as an individual. I would say that Santiago finaly lives and finds a way to live in the light and not in the darkness like Jake Barnes does in the other novel.

4. Would you recommend the readings to friends or family? Why/Why Not?

I truly recomend these two novels to members of my family and friends since they both show aspects of life – from different points of view – which are quite valid and present nowadays. Such things like courage, spiritual loneliness, the understanding and balance with nature, the acceptance and objection of religious thoughts, honor and the psycological features of the characters in each work represent most of the problems we, as human beings born and raised in a so-called technological world, must face all the time. So by reading and understanding the portrait Hemingway creates, we can learn how to give some meaning to our own lives and comprehend the reality that surrounds our very existance. In other words, we might be able to find the purpose of our life and how to go through the struggles of being an individual human being.

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